
QR-menus for places free!

Create an electronic menu for a cafe or restaurant, in a couple of clicks.Visitor can get acquainted with the menu and places to order after scaning QR

Create a menu
Create free menu
Demo menu
Electronic menu
Create your menu in a few clicks. Without developers, designers and the subscription fee. QR on your menu will be automatically created, it will only be placed on tables or business cards.
Fast start
Simple Designer allows you to easily and quickly create electronic menu. You need to create dishes / products and place your menu page.
Create an order
On the menu page, the visitor will be able to place your order on their own. The institution will receive notification of the order with an electronic menu
Control orders
See received orders and statistics in your account and receive notifications of orders to messengers.
Additional options
Call the waiter from the menu and the ability to give feedback and tips directly on the places menu page
Creating menus - FREE. No monthly tariffs. Payment is only in the case of the use of additional tools, only 2.5% of the successful payment

All for a quick start-up of the electronic menu

Just create a list of products and place your menu with a simple constructor.

Get ready menu and QR code reading the code of the mobile client will be able to get acquainted with the food and create an order.

Create a menu View Demo menu

How does the QR menu?

Creating products
Sign in WayForPay. The payment instrument in the menu Showcase to create products for the menu
Creating menus
Arrange site: add a logo, address and contact information. Save menu. You can also create an online store.
Information about all orders will be displayed in the dashboard, as well as messengers

Easily create and control dishes (products)

Create a list of products / food in a couple of clicks. Add modification (size, weight, and so forth.). Create a category

Control orders

Control orders on the Dashboard menu. View orders, and visitor information comments to the order

Messenger notifications

Get notified instantly in order messengers. In Viber, Telegram or Facebook Messenger

What about the rates?

Creating menus - FREE

Only commission for additional options and only for successful payments

Create a menu

More tools for cafes and restaurants

Tipping online
Page through which visitors will be able to translate the tip

Create a page for waiters. Tipping will arrive on the specified map.

Shop Online
Create a website where the customer can arrange and pay for the order

Simple Site Designer, the delivery module and integrated popular payment methods

Product showcase
Billed for payment orders. Alternative POS terminal

Form the account for the client of the dishes in the order and send the payment to, or create QR for payment.